Diet Sabotage
3 Things You Must Know About Diet Self-Sabotage
Self-sabotage is a big problem for dieters, because they often aren’t aware that they are sabotaging themselves. They often feel as if their struggles are caused solely by outside influences, but deep down inside, they are the ones that are causing the conflicts. Have you ever done this?
Maybe you started a diet program and you were going along so well, and then you did something that immediately knocked you off track – like attended a party where you knew you’d have trouble sticking to your plan but you did it anyway? That may seem like an outer influence, but in reality, you may have made a subconscious decision to attend the party with the intention to sabotage your diet.
Why would anyone want to sabotage their diet?
Most often, it’s because some part of you isn’t ready to release the weight, or you otherwise have resistance to sticking to a healthy eating and exercise plan.
Here are three common reasons why you might sabotage your diet:
– Rebellion
When you were a child, did your parents try to force you to eat vegetables or otherwise eat things you didn’t want to eat? Were sweets forbidden in your home? Did you get stuck in a pattern of yo-yo dieting when you were younger? If so, you may be subconsciously rebelling against the whole concept of dieting or deprivation in general. Even though you consciously want to lose weight, another part of you keeps lashing out and saying, “No, you can’t make me!”
– Fear
Another common reason for self-sabotage is fear. You may be afraid to lose weight, maybe because you fear not being able to handle being thin, or you may fear gaining all the weight back again. Every time you try to eat well and workout to lose the weight, some part of your mind says, “Oh no, I really don’t want that, I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I think I’ll stay fat and safe.” When fear turns into stress you might actually gain weight as well.
– Stubbornness
Stubbornness is another common cause of self-sabotage. You want to lose weight and get in shape, but you don’t want to give up your favorite foods and poor lifestyle habits. Every time you try to eat healthy meals or take good care of yourself, an inner part of you digs in his or her heels and says, “No, I don’t want to change my habits. I like my habits just the way they are.”
Overcoming these sabotaging behaviors might take a little work, but there are several ways to do it. You could engage in some positive self-talk and convince yourself that you are choosing to eat healthier and lose weight, that there is nothing to fear, you can handle anything you face as a thin person, and make smaller changes so they seem less overwhelming. You could also use tools like meditation, visualization, hypnosis, and meridian tapping to help clear any resistance you may be holding.
The good news is that once you clear the issues that cause you to sabotage your diet, you’ll find it virtually effortless to stick to and reaching your weight loss goals will be a snap. Follow the above tips to stop weight loss self sabotage and get in right shape.